Fighting Global Warming Is the Ideal Cause for Liberals and Socialists

  1. Fighting global warming justifies numerous regulations and government spending programs, such as: (a) requiring carbon sequestration on coal-burning power plants and a minimum mileage on cars and (b) subsidizing electricity generation through wind and solar and the purchase of electric cars.

  2. It is a global problem, which requires cooperation among all nations and the involvement of the United Nations.

  3. It presents an opportunity to criticize big corporations, such as the oil companies.

  4. But most profoundly, it is a cause that requires the involvement of everyone for the “common good”.

But just because it is a liberal cause is no reason for some conservatives or libertarians to dismiss global warming as a hoax or as not serious enough to be a priority to deal with.

I say this to those libertarian and conservatives who dismiss global warming as just a hoax created by liberals who are biased in favor of great world-unifying government programs:

None of the four liberal or socialist causes above are reasons to think that global warming is not real, not created by human activity or harmless and nothing needs to be done about it. And you don't have to have a Ph.D. in climatology and a computer model to understand the seven related pieces of evidence on the next page that show that global warming is a serious problem that needs our attention.